It's our pleasure to offer a wide array of educational products, books, and toys suitable for all children, aimed at enhancing their learning and enjoyment. We are committed to ensuring every child has the opportunity to use these premium resources.

For Self-Managed Clients:

First, make your purchase and then forward an email to us by filling out the contact form. We'll send back a tax invoice to assist you in making your own claim.

Remember to mention your NDIS number in the email.

For Plan-Managed Clients:

Should your plan be managed and you prefer us to bill your plan manager directly, kindly send an email by filling out the contact form  with these details:

  • Participant's Full Name
  • NDIS Number
  • List of Ordered Items
  • Delivery Address
  • Contact Telephone Number
  • Name of Your Plan Manager
  • Email Address for Sending Invoices

Upon receiving this information, we'll process your order and directly bill your Plan Manager. After we receive the payment from your Plan Manager, your order will be shipped straight to the specified address.